Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Isaiah 17:40 (SV)
And he took his staff in his hand, and chose him five smooth stones out of the brook, and put them in the shepherd`s bag which he had, even in his wallet; and his sling was in his hand: and he drew near to the Philistine.

Stone and Slingshot

He was just a small young boy sent on a simple errand. When David arrived to bring supplies and check on his older brothers he could not understand why no one would answer Goliath’s challenge. What was different about the boy, David? None of the men trained in warfare would face Goliath. David had a gift of faith. He knew he was of God’s chosen. David knew if he walked according to the will of God, God would protect him. He stepped out in faith and trust. David did not wear man’s armor. He knew that armor was not made for him. He chose to wear God’s armor of faith. He walked with calmness to face the giant. He calmly picked out a few small stones. Then David declared God’s power. I too, can be like David. Wherever, when ever and however God would use me, I can walk in faith. He will equip me for the task at hand. My job is to be willing to obey. When I walk in obedience and faith I can leave the results to God. The question is not the size of the task at hand. God equips for every task regardless of size or difficulty. The question is, am I willing to go, do and speak what He bids? It only took a small stone and a slingshot in the hand of a boy to save a nation.


Father, help me stayed tuned to your voice and walk in immediate obedience to any task you have for me. The size of the task is not the issue. The act of obedience brings you glory.
Copyright: Ginger Chapman

Monday, November 06, 2006

Nature Center Photos from Palacios, TX

Photo 1 - World's Largest Catapillar (don't recall the name)

Photo 2 - Nature Center Water Cascade

Photo 3 - Butterfly on flower - Nature Center

October News

We spent five days in Palacios, Texas at an Escapee Chapter RV Rally. Our rig was surrounded on 3 sides by docked shrimp boats. Sunrises were beautiful as well as the sunsets. Some of the highlights included a tour of a shrimp processing plant. The end of their conveyer that sorts sizes had a bucket of the biggest shrimp we've ever seen. We also toured a Nature Center and enjoyed the flora and the birds. Eating at restraunts was really nice. We feasted on fish and seafood. Of course, we purchased a bag of processed (cleaned, pealed, devained and butterflied) shrimp from the plant we visited.

Just before we left for that trip we had Octoberfest here in the park. We enjoyed seeing old friends and won a very nice door prize - an awning carpet. We've looked at it and wanted it for many years but considered it too pricey. We look forward to using it.

Ginger's first devotional book is selling well. All proceeds go to the church organ fund. She is working on her second book now.

If you haven't gotten e-mail from us it is because Ginger's computer went terminally down. Please e-mail me so I can rebuild my contact list. I've not had time to download my pictures from the rally but will post them as soon as I can.

Richard preached in church on Laymen's Sunday. He did an excellent job. We have no travels planned until January. We will try to post samples from Ginger's devotional books from time to time.

As Christmas preparations get on the way, we are once more in charge of decorating the outside of the church. Along with our little house we will be pretty busy. Our cards are designed, printed and in addressed envelopes to be stamped and mailed right after Thanksgiving.

For Thanksgiving we will probably serve dinner to the less fortunate through a ministry called Manifest.

Happy Thanksgiving to all.