Thursday, May 10, 2007

On the Road, Part 1

Tonight, May 10, we are in a PA park in the Kentucky hills. It is nice to have full hook-ups after 2 nights in Wal-Mart parking lots. This has been a very memorable trip. It started out at home when Richard was backing up in our driveway with a blow out tire (of course, the inside dully). The road service could not get anyone out until 10 the next morning. After the tire was changed we drove the rig and car into town and bought a new spare. We hit the road around 1 in the afternoon. The next day, while Ginger was driving, the spare that they said was good and on the inside dully, spit off the tread. She was able to pull over to the side of I 40 (Memphis area) saving room for placement of a jack. We waited on the side of the interstate for 3 hours for the service to come. They are very polite drivers in Memphis during rush hour. A female truck drive let us in the rush hour traffic. We pulled into the next Wal-Mart/Sams parking lot to search for another new spare. They didn’t have our size but a Goodyear store across the road could get one by 10 the next morning. It was a hot and stormy night.

We left Memphis around 10:30 this morning and had an uneventful drive. The trees in the Kentucky hills say it’ early spring but the thermometer is higher than in TX. We will spend the evening in AC comfort and head on in the morning. We passed Churchill Downs, home of the Kentucky Derby and are just down the road from Mammoth Cave. We gave some SKP hugs to our neighbors then went inside to enjoy the AC. We look forward to whatever tomorrow’s adventures bring but will not take off very early. More next time we have a free Y5.

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