Sunday, June 10, 2007


We didn't get to meet our Adventureland friends before we flew to FL. We rescheduled that for this week. Our trip to Florida was great. The flight went without incident and arrived on time. We were greeted by daughter, Debbie, son, David, his wife (our 3rd daughter), Bridget, incredible tall grandson, Jack and, a beauty to behold, granddaughter, Jania. We stayed in their motel on base and all had a wonderful 4 short days together. The only drawback was the broken wrist Ginger got the first morning. It's really hard to type one handed so further updates wont be available for about six weeks. We are back working at Story Land. We've been visited by a black bear, a moose, 2 wild turkeys and a family of Canadian geese. Photos and more in about six weeks.

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