Tuesday, July 08, 2008

It's been a long time

It's been a long time since I updated this blog. I have been batteling computers. One is DOA, one has been in and out of Best Buy's Geek squad, mostly in, and is there yet again. I've used various substitutes but, of course, my favorites don't all get moved over every time. I have a love hate relationship with computers. Love because I get to instant message with our son who is in Bagdad and also our other children scattered around the country. One day we had a daughter in Florida, a daughter-in-law in Texas, our son in Iraq and myself on a four-way internet conversation. That is well worth all the hassels computers bring our way.

Richard and I have been certified as lay speakers for the United Methodist Church. We were advised we would probably not be asked to speak as most pastors don't want to give up their podium.. However, we have both been quite busy. We have had the opportunity, each of us, substituting for our pastor in our home church and we each alternat every other month speaking one Sunday at the vesper service in our ever growing park. It is such a joy to speak God's word.

Ginger has created another blog for public access for devotions she's written. You can reach it at http://ginrich.wordpress.com/. She will be adding one each day (Hopefully).

We are not traveling in the RV this summer. We promised our church we would stay here since Richard is the treasurer and Ginger is the Lay Leader. We are going to Florida via car to pick up 2 of Tammy's children and bring them back for a few weeks of a Texas Adventure. Daughter, Debbie, will fly in for a quick 3 day visit in early August.

We bought a wii and have been playing Tiger Woods golf every day. Good exercise. We also do water aerobics which Ginger leads from time to time. The wii also has an exercize DVD which will cause us to "work up a sweat".

Besides church, helping out friends and neighbors, wii games and exercise, and general day to day chores there is no other news. Richard will be having a knee replacement Setp 8. We opted to wait until summer activites are over for that.

I will try to update this more often regardless of which computer I must use. I hope not to loose where it is again. Thank you, daughter Tammy, for puting a link from your log to mine so I could find it.

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